
32nd International Symposium
on Money, Banking and Finance
Nice - Sophia Antipolis, 11-12 June 2015

Submission informations

Completed papers in English or French and an abstract may be submitted electronically from the 1th December 2014 to the 9th of February 2015 in a .pdf or .doc format. To submit you must login into the SciencesConf website to access your personal account. In case of first submission to a conference hosted by SciencesConf, please first register. To login or create an account and then submit your paper, click on "Submit your article" on le left menu. Papers submitted under any other format will be disregarded.

Each participant may present at most one article in the Conference. He or she may submit at most one article during the submission phase. Submitted articles should belong at least to one of the following themes :

1. Monetary policy
2. Fiscal policy and monetary policy,
3. Monetary theory, prices and money demand
4. Banking risk and stability, prudential regulations
5. Banking competition, mergers and costs, interest rates
6. Corporate finance and corporate governance
7. Credit, asset prices and economic cycles
8. Financial systems, growth and economic development
9. Exchange rate regimes and monetary policy
10. Exchange rate, trade and capital flows
11. The international monetary system and financial crisis
12. Market finance
13. Monetary and financial history and cliometrics
14. Frontiers of finance: islamic, sustainable, ethical, social and micro finance ...
15. Pensions and insurance markets

The selection committee, coordinated by Jean-Bernard Chatelain and Alexis Direr (GDRE Co-Directors) and Dominique Torre (head of local committee) will convey the final decision to the authors by email before the 3rd of April 2015.

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